(833) 200-5393
In this E-Book you will learn how to...
* FULLY SWEEP a credit report in under 90 days (collections, repossessions, evictions, bankruptcies, late payments, inquiries, etc)
* The right way to pre-build your credit report to guarantee high-limit credit line approvals
* The right way to hide your credit utilization, so you can borrow money from your credit cards and invest it at 0% interest and never have to make the monthly payment.
* Get all the dispute letters you need to effectively remove negative items from your credit report.
*How to get my secret to obtain 12 credit cards w/ only 4 inquiries.
*How to obtain up to $250,000.00 w/ personal credit.
*How to obtain up to 250,000.00 in business credit interest free for 12-18 months